Getting started

1. Clone the repository and install the project dependencies

npx degit Hygraph/docs-starter#main docs-starter
cd docs-starter
npm i

2. Provide your Hygraph project keys

To use this starter, you'll need to have created a new Hygraph project using our Documentation Template. You can clone the project using this link.

Navigate into your new site’s directory and copy the .env.example file.

cp .env.example .env

Inside your newly created .env file, provide values for the variable.

# You can find the endpoint on Project settings -> API Access -> Endpoints

# You can find your development token on Project settings -> API Access -> Permanent Auth Tokens

# You can find your production token on Project settings -> API Access -> Permanent Auth Tokens

# A random preview secret. Your token needs to match the one in the preview mode configuration inside Hygraph

3. Start building 🎉

npm run dev